Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Odds and Ends

This is a random post but it had been a while...

I am most definitely looking and feeling more pregnant every day! Time is flying by. Here is what 6 months looks like...

And Here are a few of my Sunday updates...
Ryan made this darling board (check them out on etsy...chunky monkey frames!!)

23 Weeks

24 Weeks

25 Weeks

I found these darling airplane prints on etsy and could not be happier with them. The colors are perfect and I love them hanging all together. With some gallery frames and Ryan's airplane propeller I think it came together quite nice:) Ryan is a pro when it comes to hanging things. He had this measured and leveled and in its perfect place in no time!! He is as handy as a pocket knife:)

My other project has been a chevron quilt for Jackson. When I first got my sewing machine I made a quilt similar to this only it was strait lines. The zig zag threw a challenge in there but it is going to be darling when/if I finish it. The sewing is done but now the back needs to be cut in between each seam, binding needs to be attached and a monogram attached! Then it can be washed and frayed to reveal the final product!! I'll update pictures with my progress!!

I think there are 12 ladies in my ward all pregnant at the same time. It's a little nuts! 2 baby showers this week and another next. I decided I would do hooded baby towels for gifts. They have been fun to do. I even ventured into appliquéing and have to say I did okay! It might be my new thing;) here is what I did for my friend Margie who is having a little boy.

A coordinating bus for the hood of the towel.

An S for Samuel in the center at the bottom of the towel!

Such a boy print!

Well I guess that's it for now. I head off to NYC on Friday with Alec. We have lots planed. Pictures to come!