Monday, January 14, 2013

Jackson is 1 Month!

This happy boy is 1 month old and man does time fly! Everyone said it would...but I really does! He has been such a great baby.  I can't complain at all.  Just loves to swim in his bath and is giving the best little smiles.  It has been a busy month with Anna's Baptism Christmas, New Years and his first trip to the cabin.  That trip was cut short after dad fell off a ladder and broke his neck.   Thankfully he is still here with us and now has to be in a "halo" for 3 months.  I am grateful for my little family.  Jackson has been so much fun.  Ryan and I are thrilled to be his parents.  Here are a few pictures...
We can't believe it's been a month!

Jackson making Ryan's "The Look"  This was at his first doctors appointments and he was not impressed!

Loves his swing!

Brooke came to visit when we got home from the hospital! She and Chad brought Pei Wei for dinner! YUM:)

Dad is a pro at those diaper changes! Here he is modeling his "dad bib"