Sunday, June 17, 2012

Baby Dunstan...Coming December 2012!!

I guess it's time we make it official! Baby Dunstan will be here in December and we could not be more thrilled! I am 13 weeks along and can't believe I'm almost out of my first trimester.

I do feel pretty lucky and have been feeling great!! No morning sickness, no fatigue and no major mood swings. (Ryan might tell you something different!). I was partly expecting to feel fine knowing my mom was never sick, but boy I am glad to feel good!!

I had a suspicion that I might be pregnant and took three test that all came back negative. One day while hanging out with my mom she kept teasing me about having a baby. Then...while I was there, Brent (my father in law) called and made a comment about it so I thought what the heck, I'll give it one more try. I was expecting it to come back negative but I was wrong and didn't know what to do. Ryan was flying and I felt bad he was not there so I decided to come up with a creative way to tell him he was going to be a dad. I made this little package and put it in his dresser drawer. I followed him around like a puppy dog until he opened it and saw!! We are so excited:)

We get to have our second ultrasound on the 25th and our doctor is optimistic they will be able to tell us if it's a boy or a girl!! It has been hard to wait for this appointment. I was not expecting it to be so soon but as soon as he said schedule it, time has started to creep by. The Chinese Calendar predicts it will be a boy but most of the family says it's a girl. Only one way to find out:)

I could not wait to make my first purchase for the baby and because I don't know if it's a boy or girl I had to buy some of each!! Brooke and I hit up a great sale a Carter's and I could hardly stop myself. I have gone through the bags a number of times and going though the girl things I think to myself, "oh I hope it's a girl I don't want to return these darling things". Then I go through the boy clothes and I have the exact same thought! We will be thrilled wither way!

Boy clothes!

Girl clothes! Cute stuff right??

Ryan is so excited and has so many projects to get working on! We want the baby's room to have wainscoting and if that were not a project the bathroom needs a facelift and the crib is what Ryan is most excited about!! He is so handy to have around.

Boy or girl?? What's your guess??


  1. I am way excited for you! Peter made our crib. He started when I was pregnant with Joey and he finished it when Jon was 9 months but it is a family treasure to me! Oh and I am going for girl!

  2. You are too cute! I love all of your creative ideas (in the way you told Ryan). You're nursery is going to be adorable. It looks great so far. I'm so glad that you feel good. I can't guess the gender because I already read a later post and know it's a boy! Congratulations! I can't wait to meet little , "Jackson" (I think that's the name you have for a boy right?). So excited!!
